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Austin, Texas
Welcome to my blog! My fiance, Will, and I are getting married on May 24, 2014, and we just bought our first home on December 30, 2013! Read along to follow our home, wedding and life updates!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Money grows on trees, right?

Well what do you know... another crazy, busy weekend! So happy today was a holiday off work, and for once, someone else is doing the work around here. Our floors are in the process of being installed today!

We spent the entire weekend up to our necks in projects. Our first task was to get the vinyl flooring in the kitchen up.We thought this would be a pretty easy task, wrong! It was a two day project and at least 3 trips to Lowe's to get what we needed to complete it. Let's just say, the internet is wrong when it tells you that dish soap and water will get up the adhesive left from the vinyl floors.

After we got the floors taken care of, we realized that if we wanted a new dishwasher, we should probably install that before our new floors were put in. So we did a little research, and headed to Best Buy and then Home Depot to see which one had the best deal. We found one that we liked at Home Depot, but they couldn't deliver it until Wednesday the 22nd, and our floors will be finished on Tuesday. That wouldn't work, so we decided to see what Sears Outlet had. We were in luck! They had a super nice dishwasher, still in the box for $200 less than the regular sale price. So we borrowed a truck and Will installed it himself that afternoon! 

 Goodbye crappy old dishwasher!

Have I told you how awesome he is?

Hello pretty new dishwasher!

While we were waiting to pay for our dishwasher, I was looking at the scratch and dent refrigerators, and found one that looked brand new and I didn't see anything wrong with it. I showed Will, and we decided to look it up when we got home to see if it was a good deal. Turns out it really was, so we ended up going back to Sears Outlet a few hours later to buy it. We found out it has the tiniest dent on the side panel, but I am talking the size of a pea dent, so we weren't bothered by it. We bought it for less than half of the normal sales price! You know you are an adult when you are this excited over appliances :)

Terrible picture I took at the store

On Sunday Will uninstalled the toilet in the downstairs bathroom to prep for the new flooring. If anyone needs a handyman, just call Will, he can do just about anything!

Taking out all the water... yuck

The final big project for the weekend was installing the shelves and clothes drying bar above the washer and dryer. I swear I helped with some of these projects! 

Finished result! (Sorry for the crooked picture!)

The next garage project is going to be getting pedestals for the washer and dryer to hide those ugly wires, and of course to save my back!

One of the mornings, Will assembled the guest bedroom bed, and I was finally able to make the bed and have that ready.

We are ready for our first guests!

And the best and final part of the weekend, getting our floor installation process started!

Of course something had to go wrong, and our floors ended up not being level, so after  extra cost and time to our installation, they leveled it, and the floors will be laid tomorrow!

I cannot tell you how excited I am to see our new floors, and mostly to have furniture and kitchen appliances downstairs, and to start decorating! No more eating dinners on the kitchen countertops!

Classy, right...?

Next weekend, we are taking a break from projects to just enjoy and relax in our new home! We also have our cake tasting appointment to look forward to! Hope everyone has a fantastic week! 


1 comment:

  1. Of course, your description of your productive weekend made me think of a children's book: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, by Laura Numeroff! One thing lead to another!! You two are dynamos!! Although money doesn't grow on trees, you and Will have saved a bunch of money by your hard work! Proud of you!
